"Leave Nothing but Footprints, Take Nothing but Pictures, Kill Nothing but Time."
Dues for the Grotto are $10 per year and payable at the beginning of each Fall Semester. If you join in January, you will pay $1 per month until the annual September renewal ($1 X 9 months=$9) period, and you will be expected to pay the full $10 when you renew your dues in September.
While membership in the NSS is not required for Upper Cumberland Grotto members, it is encouraged. NSS membership has many benefits, and it opens the door for you to make more friends in the larger caving community. Any UCG member wishing to become an officer of the grotto must be a current member of the National Speleological Society, according to our bylaws.
Advisor -- Dr. Hugh Mills (931) 372-3521
Chairperson -- Kristen Bobo
Secretary/Treasurer -- Nora Dickins
Check out the Membership list (available as an Adobe Acrobat PDF) for a complete list of email and postal addresses for the members of the grotto.
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We welcome your comments or bug reports
via email to your friendly, neighborhood speleoweb hostess,
April Hannah, NSS #35012.
This page, http://orgs.tntech.edu/grotto/dues.html, validates
(C) Copyright 2024, April Hannah for the Upper Cumberland Grotto of the NSS. All Rights Reserved. Photos available on this web site are the property of individual members of the Upper Cumberland Grotto. Failure to request permission before saving these images to disk for your own use is a violation of the U.S. Copyright Law.